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Plus Size Models Earn Less?

In the 90s, when supermodels didn’t even get out of bed for less than 10,000 dollars a day (as Linda Evangelista famously told the journalist Jonathan Van Meter in an interview in 1990), Emme became the forerunner of today’s plus size models. Before Crystal Renn or Lizzie Miller, she was the most famous and the highest-paid plus size model in fashion.

Now 48 years old, she’s a writer and TV personality and is always working on topics relating to female image and gender stereotyping. One of her latest charges is about professional fees: Emme thinks that plus size models are paid less than their regular colleagues. As if they were second eleven players, plus size models find it harder to find work.

They are hired less because the worlds of fashion and advertising still prefer to use US size 4 models and don’t give space to different body shapes. Using a more diverse range of models would benefit the profession and would be welcomed by all those women who don’t feel that they are represented in the images they see in fashion magazines, which are always too far removed from real life.
