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So I know that the MMVAs were a week or two ago (so I'm a little late on this post) but I wanted to put up some of the best -and worse- fashions from the show. For those of you who don't know, the MMVAs are the "Much Music Video Awards" - it's Canadian and it's a video and music award ceremony held outside.

So here are the Black Eyed Peas and might I say, they look stunning. I love Fergie's wire cage corset-ness going on and (I don't know his name) the one on her right, yeah, I like his sunglasses. He looks like a monkey, it's cute.
Kelly Clarkson - dear god. Jeans that trailed on the ground and a bandana wrapped around her as a shirt. So bad. So, so, so bad.
Taylor Lautner looked gorgeous, as usual. Werewolf? That's ok. Jeez he's hot.
There are mixed reviews on Rachelle Lefevre's dress and I personally don't like it. The colour is gorgeous, especially with her red hair, but I don't like the one string-strap or the draping (but the clutch - splendid!)
Regarding Kim Kardashian - did anyone else think she didn't look like herself? The short hair and paleness threw me off. Anyways, hate the dress. Looks good strapless and like the neckline but everything else about it was just horrible - and I'm terribly sorry, but it made her butt look like Mars.
Both of Lady Gaga's outfits looked a bit painful (for different reasons) but I'm only posting this one. I like the top half but the bottom "half" just looked incredibly uncomfortable. Also, the cone-bra only sparked, I think it would've been better if it had actually fired instead of just spitting sparks. The boots are killer, obviously.
(sources: google and

I get no doubt

I am currently watching "Fanboys" for the second time in three days. I really have to watch Star Wars and the old Star Trek (I obviously watched the newest one and loved it. Could Kirk be any hotter? Yumm) and choose a side and become a little too obsessed and eventually start a fight over it.
(thrifted shirt and purse, aa skirt, converse sneaks)
And sorry for the glowing red eyes and blurriness going on, my camera's being a funny bunny.
Also, I'm thinking of painting my new room the shade of blue from my shoelaces. However, my room at my father's house is blue so I'm thinking maybe not. I have no idea what colour I want my new room but I do know I want more than one colour - or paint all the walls one colour and use other bright colours as accents. Aagh, I don't know.
Bonus: day after tomorrow (aka Wednesday) is Canada Day ,so for all you sexy Canadians out there, have a great one! And for all you non-awesome people (kidding), just have a splendid Wednesday. I will post my amazing C. Day outfit later but expect temporary tattoos and Canada flag sunglasses, my friends.

Short hairstyles trend for African Americans

This short hair style does not suit a woman who has long nose or a large forehead. It would look awkward if a woman of this kind applies bangs to her short hair.

Short hairstyles trend for African Americans

This short hairstyle best suits a woman who is dainty or quite slim. If a slim woman goes in for a hair style with bangs, it adds beauty to her face and makes her pretty. It also suits women with big eyes. This hair style may bring embarrassment to women with rectangular or oblong shaped face, as it would make their faces look elongated.

We are simply passing through history

Yesterday my friend and I went to Value Village, the local thrift store, and we tried on way too much. It ended up being great and she bought this splendid little grey deep-v mini bodycon dress (wow, so many adjectives) and some really creepy tiki surfer statues for her room. We then discusses how they will come to life, glowing red eyes and all, and take over her body. I got a Winie the Pooh clock.
(outfit - aa, heels)
However, I also got these three pieces. I love this purse because of it's long strap (yes, that's the reasoning behind the purchase).
This jacket is a tad big but I don't really mind it. I think it's just a fantastic basic piece and will come in handy so often.
And this little number is my favourite out of all the purchases. I found a shirt very similar to it at Aritzia, only it cost $80-$100 and this one cost $4. It's a tad short but I think I might be living in this and high-waisted skirts for awhile.
Also, I am in need of pants (ugh, I dread the thought). Does anyone else not like wearing pants? I really just don't like the feel of a hem between my legs - this is why I try to wear skirts and dresses as often as possible (or shorts, even).
Excitement is afoot: The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus is coming to Toronto on August 22nd and guess who's going to go see them? Moi! (that's right, this occasion is so special is requires obnoxious french instead of regular ol' english) Don't know who they are? Ever heard the songs Damn Regret, My Guardian Angel or Seventeen Ain't So Sweet? (incase you haven't figured it out, those are my favourites)
Hope you all have a great weekend!

Black hairstyle for African American women 2009

Black hairstyle for African American women 2009

African American hairstyle
is beautiful when the stylist takes advantage of the texture and works with the hair rather than against it. Whether your black hairstyle is natural or smooth, an experienced stylist will know how to deal with coarseness and frizz by cutting the hair into a shape th
at makes it manageable and using the right products for hold.

Black hairstyle for African American women 2009

A great short black hairstyle is a modified pixie haircut in which the stylist cuts uneven layers all over the head to add texture. This kind of black hairstyle works well both straight and curly. So black hairstyle is a great look for women who want versatility without high maintenance.

Figuring things out

So, if you read yesterday's post you'd know I spent the day with my father. This is what I wore to dinner with him and my sister at Montana's (sidenote: get the veggie burger. They put the onion rings on it so they meld into the cheese. Perfection) and I had bought the shirt earlier that day from American Apparel.
I was trying to decide how to wear it. This was option one (tied up):
This was option two (wear it like a dress, really):
However, I ended up wearing it like this, all asymmetrical and whatnot:
(AA tshirt, lululemon tank, aritzia skirt)
Also, while I was leaving there was a booth full of girls (probably around 18 or 20 years old) and I heard them say something about my skirt then one yelled (I was pretty far and I still heard, so yes, she yelled) "WOW she's tall!" Really, lady? I'm tall? Thanks for the update! I'm not going to lie, it sort of bothers me when someone's talking to you and all of a sudden goes, "You're pretty tall, you know that?" No, I didn't actually, and you're discovery of it really helps me in life.
Remember all the DIYs I'd say I'd do? I just discovered a problem (two, really): I don't own bleach (this isn't really a problem, I'll go to Zellers or something) and I don't know how to bleach pants. Do you mix the bleach with water then dump it on your pants while they lay flat in a tub? Do you scrunch your pants into a ball, put them in a bucket, then dump the bleach/water mixture on them?
It's difficult being me.
One last thing: I was thinking of doing a vlog. Not necessarily a Q&A vlog but if you did have questions feel free to ask here or e-mail me (found on sidebar). It'd be a "look, I'm talking and it might be a little awkward but you're still watching" type of vlog, y'know? I'm trying to put more personal aspects into this blog - that's also why I'll probably start writing more on the posts.
How do you do a vlog? (seriously, for all the things I want to do, I don't know how to do too many of them) Do I make a video on my webcam and then put it up? And please don't say "film it on your camera and upload it" because I tried - twice- and it doesn't work.
Anyone excited for the Transformers 2 movie? I am.

A bit delayed

So today is my dad's unofficial "Father's Day" day and this is what I wore to go downtown with him.
( sunglasses, hollister dress, italy necklace and little ring, france "feather" ring)
I bought this ring while in the market- it reminds me of the medieval days:

Harry, even in the wizarding world, hearing voices is never a good sign

Today my friend and I went to the local park. It was a sweltering 30 degrees celcius so we mostly just laid in the grass and talked. We saw a crowd of old people who seemed like tourists, a teenage gangsta playing b-ball with little kids and I considered stealing timbits from a box left unprotected. All in all, a great day.
(ae shorts and gap tank)
Also, for all you Harry Potter fans out there (I know you're there!), I saw this cloud today. It definitely ressembles He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's evil mark to his followers. (see the right eye? the nose? oooh yeah!)

And so the lion fell in love with the lamb

'Nuff said, holmes.

Sexy Tyra Banks Hairstyles for Summer 2009

Sexy Tyra Banks Hairstyles for Summer 2009

Tyra Banks hairstyles may surprise a few people who are unaware that this African-American super model uses lace front wigs along with hairpieces and extensions to create her sensational looks. This fashion pioneer has been featured on magazine covers such as the famous Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and the Victoria's Secret catalog.

The millions of fans that adore Tyra Banks hairstyles have seen her as a blond and a brunette in the Hollywood movies 'Higher Learning” and “Coyote Ugly”, as well as music videos for Michael Jackson and George Michael.

Preparation of her chosen hairstyle of the day is what makes Tyra Banks look so well put together. Every day, she carefully selects the lace front wigs, hair weaves or extensions that she will wear on her television show, now being broadcast from New York. She has created a new wave of interest in the versatility of using a variety of styling techniques to produce a unique and stunning hairdo. This supermodel and actress has also launched her own line of wigs and hair extensions. Whether you choose the lace front wig or hair weave you can have that star-quality look.
Sexy Tyra Banks Hairstyles for Summer 2009

The use of hair extensions or wigs gives her the opportunity to personify the look that is the perfect complement to her modeling assignments for companies such as Nike and Swatch.

Sexy Tyra Banks Hairstyles for Summer 2009

Pictures Copyright of PR PHOTOS

Never overdone

The new hair:

And I got tagged by "Overdressed Me" to list my favourite twenty things but I could only think of ten, sorry. Here they are:

#1- My ripped bedsheet: I have had this bedspread since I can remember and the poor thing is destroyed. Rips, missing its stuffing, highlighter/nailpolish stains... oh, but I love it.

#2- Lipgloss: I don't care how girly that seems. I find that lipgloss can completely finish off an outfit and I like the way they taste.

#3- "Underwear" shorts: Although I don't own any, I admire the look of the "underwear" short. Don't know what I'm talking about? You know, the denim shorts that are so short they look like underwear and are generally highwaisted? Oooh yeah, them bad boys!

#4- "Your mom" jokes: I don't care how bad they are, I adore "your mom" jokes! The dirtier, the better. It goes a little something like this: "Person one- I don't like playing rough games! (as if they were speaking about football) Person two- Well your mom liked it rough last night!" See what I mean? Hilarity.

#5- Julia Roberts: I love this woman to death. Her ridiculously large smile, curly red/blonde hair and her cackle-laugh. Goodness gracious, how can you not love a hooker gone Wall Street?

#6- Greasers: Ever read The Outsiders? Watch the movie Grease? Boys in somewhat tight pants with black t-shirts, sleeves rolled up just a tad. To be superhot, wear a leather (faux, preferably) jacket and slick back your hair. Mmmmmm...

#7- Muscle cars: The curve of the hood, the roar of the engine, the wind in your hair. Good golly miss Molly, they're gorgeous.

#8- Swing dancing: One of my best friends is the leader of the swing dancing club at school and I think that the dance is just amazing. The flips, turns, footwork - it's incredible. If I had any sense of rhythme, I'd be doing it too.

#9- Tattoos: Piercings? What are those? Give me someone with a sleeve tattoo and, ooh la la, you've captured my heart! If you've got a tattoo in your inner wrist, it's even better.

#10- Weird hair styles that turn out great: You know what my favourite hairstyle is? The "half shaved, half not" style on girls. Oh-mi-god, when it's good it's goooooood! You can't have shoulder-length hair; the longest it should go is below your ear. And if you put a little design in the shaved part? So good. Only a select few of hair goddess' can pull this off (myself not included, unfortunately - and I'm too scared to try) but I still love it. Don't judge.

Hairstyles For African American Women for Summer 2009

Hairstyles For African American Women for Summer 2009 Black

Hairstyles in 2009
reveal an increased flexibility in all hair lengths. The credit goes to the development of new formulas especially for the texture of black hair. The hairstyles on center stage for 2009 feature longer hair worn sleek and smooth or with waves, thanks to numerous celebrities such as Beyoncé.

Hairstyles For African American Women for Summer 2009

Classic and sophisticated are the buzz words for Black hairstyles in 2009 such as the French roll. In this style, the hair is pulled back to form a cone shape and then secured at the back of the head with hairpins. This is an elegant style that works well for an evening on the town as well as for a business interview. For women who prefer to wear their hair in a natural style or dreadlocks, there are also many styling options. The ponytail remains a classic favorite for a casual look that can work for hair of medium length. Women who wear long dreadlocks can also style their hair in different ways from the French roll to a chignon or back bun.

Hairstyles For African American Women for Summer 2009

My surroundings

I don't know why but I felt like sharing with you, ladies and gentlemen, some of the things that surround me. That is why I took a few pictures around my room at my mom's house.
Here we have my dresser with all my little trinket holders and on the far left corner I have this little box thing that you can keep flipping to show different pictures from the Louvre. It can be lots of fun on a boring day.
This is one of my most cherished possessions: my Shakespeare bobblehead. I got it in Stratford in October when I went with my school and I love it. When I become an english teacher, I'm going to give him a pedistol in my classroom. I will also hang up my framed sonnet (that's right, I have a framed Shakespeare sonnet. Be jealous)
This is just a few of my books because the other half of my collection is in my sister's room (we share) or at my dad's in his room - I don't own a bookcase.
This is a picture that a man on the street drew for me four years ago. I think I look a little frightening but I still like it.
My mom gave me this (I don't remember if it was on an actual occasion, I've had it for years). It's called "Las Dos Hermanas" by Francesc Xavier Gose. I love the name Xavier.

There's no twilight galaxy

Today I wrote two out of my three exams - math and anthropology. First half of the math exam I didn't even know what I was doing. Afterwards, when my friends and I were comparing answers, for one question I had gotten 450 as an answer and some of the other folks got 405, 10 or 45. Obviously, none of us know what we're doing. But that's ok, we don't really care...
As for my anthropology exam, I either did very well or pretty poorly - I don't think there's a median. It's ok though because for the last question (a 5 paragraph essay), I sort of kicked butt so I'm sure it'll all work out just fine.
Today I clean my room, tomorrow I study for french, Friday I take my french exam, Saturday I get my hair done (eeeek so excited!), and Sunday I work for 8 hours (eeek not so excited!). Do you lovely people have any exciting plans?
(garage strapless shirt, aa skirt, sirens heels)

We've outgrown things we once loved

OK so this Saturday I'm getting my hair done (I'm terribly sorry for how often I talk about my hair) and I've concluded that it will be lightblonde (hopefully without highlights) and I shall have bangs that go across my forehead, much like the style in the second Taylor Momsen photo here:
But with her bangs here:
and Lindsay Lohan's colour here (I prefer her as a blonde, actually):
Also, a few things I've decided: I must buy/create a pair of destroyed denim short-shorts, a pair of bleached jeans, I need to buy green eyeliner, get a weird short corset bra thing for my dresses/shirts with low armholes and backs, must decide if I should pay $125 for a silk romper from Aritzia that I've been eyeing for about a month but that my sister doesn't like, have to buy Zombie Heels from Trivium, should continue/start studying for exams (done on Friday!), should hang out with friends more, need to lay on grassy hills and roll down them, have to buy a cellphone charger, need to buy my Kiss Bluesfest ticket and should look into going to the Britney Spears concert (total OMG moment!), and I need to organize my wardrobe somehow... but not today.
What things have you decided?