I know I haven't posted in ages - I am so sorry! I don't really have an excuse other than.. I just haven't felt like it. I'm currently off school and not working due to my anxiety, so I spend most of my days at home. I normally don't get too dressed up when I'm just on the couch for most of the day, you know? I have recently started exercising though (it's been about 6 weeks or so), and I've lost around 10lbs but still have many to go. I'm fairly certain I've decided what I want to take in school, though I'm keeping it a secret for now as to not jinx it. I also have a shiny new boyfriend who is tall and French - a deadly combination, if I do say so myself. I've been baking more, too, and continue to do so and try more challenging recipes over time.
I have the feeling that things are going really well and they're just going to continue to get better. I'm also going to start "dressing up" more, even if I do just stay inside all day, and I'll try to photo-document my outfits more and post regularly.

1. new marc by marc jacobs purse
2. street car in toronto at night
3. greatest diner in toronto
4. hotel bed in the early morning light
5. street sign
6. chanel store on bloor st, i think
7. trying on clothes in h&m
8-9. envied coat, alexander mcqueen scarf, aldo boots, mbymj purse