It was about 35 degrees today and 33 or so yesterday. Thankfully, tomorrow is (a mere) 24 degrees, though it's supposed to rain. Hopefully the rain will be cold, I just cannot stand this heat. I'm Canadian, I was built for winters, not summers.
And I've been wearing these heels so much that I've gotten a small cut/blister duo on the back of my heel, where the strap sits. Attractive, I know. I'm going to have to put these bad boys away for a while.
Lastly, my dad got these sunglasses for me at a garage sale. He came home with another pair too, but the lenses have to be replaced because they're all scratched up. Still great finds, though!
(aritzia silk dress, random bicycle shorts, zara belt, aldo shoes, thrifted sunglasses and bracelet)