And for some actually exciting news: I'm going to Laurentian University! It's about five or six hours away from my home town but that's ok, it has the program I need (and not a lot do!). I'm actually very excited (and for those Canadians out there, it's in Sudbury. Anything good in Sudbury?). Yes, it shall be scary being on my own (I don't want a dorm roommate, I don't I don't I don't!) but maybe mommy and daddy will send care packages every once in a while. And by care packages, I mean boxes filled with instant noodles and energy drinks. Don't judge.
Also, I'm wearing the H&M garden collection jacket here... Ok, so apparently high school boys can't control their asshole levels very much now that the warmer weather is out. No, I'm not talking about sideways glances or anything, I'm talking about: "Who the hell do you think you are, Lady Gaga?" or "What the **** are you wearing?" and "Holy shit, look at her!" (the last one, not in a polite tone. followed by mocking laughter). OK. So, I rarely care if people give me sideways glances or something because of what I'm wearing because a) it's usually short and b) I'm about 6'1-6'2 in most of my heels, so it's pretty understandable and it doesn't usually bother me. HOWEVER! What the hell is your problem and how old are you when you start screaming insults down a crowded school hallway? If you don't dress to please me and I don't insult you, why should I dress to please you? What am I supposed to wear, some cut off denim shorts, flip flops and an Abercrombie tank? Please, I'm not Barbie and I'm not going to pretend to be someone I'm not to please people I don't even know. I'm not saying I'm great or original or anything like that, but at least I'm not a complete douchebag like you.
There. I said it.
(H&M garden collection jacket, old navy tank, levi for uo jeans, aldo heels, modern primative bracelet)
Got a comment, concern or question? (do I sound too much like an ad?) You can say or ask anything on my formspring here or find out about my daily life on my twitter here.
And I know getting annoyed/PISSED about it isn't going to change the situation, nor is complaining about it, but I just wanted to get that out of my system. And yes, I know that in my life I will come across criticisms in all forms and I will have to deal with them. But if I do, it will probably not be in the same manner these individuals did it in. Just saying.