Blog Archive

Tennis belongs to the individualistic past - a hero, or at most a pair of friends or lovers, against the world

Hello everyone-

As you can (clearly) see, I am back from my hiatus. I received some very nice messages and I would like to say thank you so much! Things were starting to get  very difficult and I was having trouble coping. I'm not saying I'm 100% better now, because I'm not, but I'm doing much better and will continue to strive for stability.

So, back on a regular note, here is my first outfit post in quite some time! Due to my depression (possible bipolar, actually) and anxiety, my amount of effort and care for my appearance has taken a nose dive. However, I am trying again, so please be patient with me. I do not know how often my posting will be, though I will put more conscious effort into it.

(Just to explain these photos, I was taking pictures of my friend playing tennis and we decided to switch spots.)

(thrifted dress and jewellery, aldo wedges)