Anyways, this past weekend was Thanksgiving (for us Canadians) and I went home and it was, in short, perfection. My weekend was jam-packed, though I got to see most of my friends and spend time with my family. I also got some shopping done! I got this really cute button-up shirt from Smart Set (I need more grown up clothing), short shorts from Lululemon (under dresses/skirts, lazying about) and a little something-something from LaSenza.
School is.. school. Busy, though the days themselves seem to pass by extremely slowly. I'm going back home on the 22nd for a whole week though (reading week) and could not be happier. I'm also going to be there for Halloween; speaking of, what are you guys dressing up as? I'm being a Lady Cop ;) I'm original, I know..
(first: thrifted button up, old navy tank, uo jeans, converse, Coach clutch. Second: club monaco silk-back cardigan)
Also: I was thinking of doing a Q&A post sometime. I know I've been absent for a while, so there might not be many questions or comments, but if there are, you can ask me on my twitter here, my formspring here or by leaving a comment on this here blog!