Anyways, I also bought the boots in the last set of photos at Aldo while in Montreal. I was looking for a "tough motorcycler meets Resident Evil meets wearable and not ugly" boot. I call these a success. Comfy, too.
So, in 2 weeks this Saturday I move to my university 6 hours away from my hometown. I'm finishing up everything (cough cough starting everything..), such as packing and school-related things. One thing I'm worried about is bringing up clothes and shoes. There's too much. I don't know which to bring and which to *sadly* leave behind.
In other university-related news, I'm terrified. I know it can be fun, making new friends, new surroundings, bla bla bla. Doesn't mean it isn't frightening. I'm not going to lie, I absolutely detest how society forces upon us that our entire life has to be decided upon at the age of 16-18. Don't get me wrong, planning is good, but your entire life can be incredible (or ruined) based on one or two decisions you made in your last year of high school. That's a lot of pressure on a kid. And yes, high schoolers, in my opinion, are still kids. You depend on your parents for nearly everything, and if not them, your friends. You cannot live independently yet. Hell, half of us can't cook anything besides zapping something in the microwave. And yet, we are supposed to decide our entire life now? And if you actually think about it, you're doing this in grade ten because you need the prerequisite courses for grade eleven and grade twelve. Otherwise, you're screwed.
Story of my life, eh?
(first: Simmons lace tights and tank, aa shorts)
(second: MinkPink top, aa shorts, aldo boots, zara bag, modern primative ring)