Also, going shopping tomorrow with my sister because Friday is my school's semi-formal dance! It's Vegas themed, ooh la la. Pictures will be taken, can't promise how many or of what quality though, hahaha! If they're all really bad, I suppose I could just get my sister to take a picture of me at home in my outfit, no biggie. Going to be getting ready with friends, fun!
ps-> just figured out how to upload in bulk on photobucket. Bam.
(mexx knitted blazer, aritzia long sleeve shirt, h&m skirt, trivium heels)
Also, this is just some random mural in the french wing of my school. Yup. About half or so of the school doors leading to classrooms having some amazing painting all over it or the walls have random art, like this.
And lastly, you can stay in the know with me via my twitter here or you can get to know me better by asking me absolutely any question on my formspring here or via the widget on the sidebar.
Hope you hear from you guys. xoxo