I was trying to decide how to wear it. This was option one (tied up):
(AA tshirt, lululemon tank, aritzia skirt)
Also, while I was leaving there was a booth full of girls (probably around 18 or 20 years old) and I heard them say something about my skirt then one yelled (I was pretty far and I still heard, so yes, she yelled) "WOW she's tall!" Really, lady? I'm tall? Thanks for the update! I'm not going to lie, it sort of bothers me when someone's talking to you and all of a sudden goes, "You're pretty tall, you know that?" No, I didn't actually, and you're discovery of it really helps me in life.
Remember all the DIYs I'd say I'd do? I just discovered a problem (two, really): I don't own bleach (this isn't really a problem, I'll go to Zellers or something) and I don't know how to bleach pants. Do you mix the bleach with water then dump it on your pants while they lay flat in a tub? Do you scrunch your pants into a ball, put them in a bucket, then dump the bleach/water mixture on them?
It's difficult being me.
One last thing: I was thinking of doing a vlog. Not necessarily a Q&A vlog but if you did have questions feel free to ask here or e-mail me (found on sidebar). It'd be a "look, I'm talking and it might be a little awkward but you're still watching" type of vlog, y'know? I'm trying to put more personal aspects into this blog - that's also why I'll probably start writing more on the posts.
How do you do a vlog? (seriously, for all the things I want to do, I don't know how to do too many of them) Do I make a video on my webcam and then put it up? And please don't say "film it on your camera and upload it" because I tried - twice- and it doesn't work.
Anyone excited for the Transformers 2 movie? I am.