So here are the Black Eyed Peas and might I say, they look stunning. I love Fergie's wire cage corset-ness going on and (I don't know his name) the one on her right, yeah, I like his sunglasses. He looks like a monkey, it's cute.

And I got tagged by "Overdressed Me" to list my favourite twenty things but I could only think of ten, sorry. Here they are:
#1- My ripped bedsheet: I have had this bedspread since I can remember and the poor thing is destroyed. Rips, missing its stuffing, highlighter/nailpolish stains... oh, but I love it.
#2- Lipgloss: I don't care how girly that seems. I find that lipgloss can completely finish off an outfit and I like the way they taste.
#3- "Underwear" shorts: Although I don't own any, I admire the look of the "underwear" short. Don't know what I'm talking about? You know, the denim shorts that are so short they look like underwear and are generally highwaisted? Oooh yeah, them bad boys!
#4- "Your mom" jokes: I don't care how bad they are, I adore "your mom" jokes! The dirtier, the better. It goes a little something like this: "Person one- I don't like playing rough games! (as if they were speaking about football) Person two- Well your mom liked it rough last night!" See what I mean? Hilarity.
#5- Julia Roberts: I love this woman to death. Her ridiculously large smile, curly red/blonde hair and her cackle-laugh. Goodness gracious, how can you not love a hooker gone Wall Street?
#6- Greasers: Ever read The Outsiders? Watch the movie Grease? Boys in somewhat tight pants with black t-shirts, sleeves rolled up just a tad. To be superhot, wear a leather (faux, preferably) jacket and slick back your hair. Mmmmmm...
#7- Muscle cars: The curve of the hood, the roar of the engine, the wind in your hair. Good golly miss Molly, they're gorgeous.
#8- Swing dancing: One of my best friends is the leader of the swing dancing club at school and I think that the dance is just amazing. The flips, turns, footwork - it's incredible. If I had any sense of rhythme, I'd be doing it too.
#9- Tattoos: Piercings? What are those? Give me someone with a sleeve tattoo and, ooh la la, you've captured my heart! If you've got a tattoo in your inner wrist, it's even better.
#10- Weird hair styles that turn out great: You know what my favourite hairstyle is? The "half shaved, half not" style on girls. Oh-mi-god, when it's good it's goooooood! You can't have shoulder-length hair; the longest it should go is below your ear. And if you put a little design in the shaved part? So good. Only a select few of hair goddess' can pull this off (myself not included, unfortunately - and I'm too scared to try) but I still love it. Don't judge.