I would just like to start off by saying the giveaway is FINISHED!! Thank you all who entered, I was a little overwhelmed. The lucky winner is: SARAH!!! (if multiple Sarah's entered, it's the one I sent an e-mail to). Congratulations!
Also, went to a thrift store with my dad that I had never been to before. It had such great pieces, including this sequin blazer. It originally had sholder pads but I removed them, though the effect is not lost. I picked up another two great blazers, one black with gold dots and one brown and blue plaid (more like a very long sweater but built like a blazer). They had this gooorgeous sequin dress for $95 (all my blazers were under $10, this dress was a shock haha) and I wanted it so bad but it was clearly too small and they were closing soon. Maybe it'll go on sale...? If it was cheaper I'd buy it whether it fit or not (I'm not at all kidding).
Do any of you ever do that? Buy something that you love even though it's one or two sizes too small (or too big) just because? Am I the only one? ...Bueller?
(thrifted sequin blazer, aritzia long sleeve, aa highwaisted skirt, spring heels, suzy shier dome ring)
PS- I posted a link to a youtube video in my last post and, though I'm unsure how many of you viewed it or have already seen it, it seems to be creating some negative feedback. I'm sorry if you don't find it humorous or if you think I have a twisted sense of humor. I do not know if it is "real" or if it was "staged" but I did find it funny. Everyone has different opinions on what they laugh at and what they don't and that is just one of the many things that makes me laugh.