Blog Archive

Look at all those cavemen go

Took these pictures on Monday with my friend - we were supposed to go swimming but it turned out the pool closed at four and not five because of the civic holiday. The site said five. Whatever.

I've become addicted to these shorts! They're incredibly comfortable and you can wear them normally or hike them up (I prefer the second). And can anyone believe school starts in about three weeks? Aaaagh! I have to read "Wuthering Heights" and "Tale of Two Cities" for my AP English class and I haven't started haha! Great start to the new year, right?

However, I have a "last year of high school" goal - I want to raise my average into the 90s. I had an 80.6% second semester and an 86% first semester this year (first semester I had fitness though, easy 90) and with the two spares I plan on taking, if I try hard enough, I should be able to get my average into the 90s. McGill, here I come!

I know, no one likes to talk about school before it actually starts but I'm looking forward to it! My courses are great (AP English, philosophy, law and a spare first semester, french, writer's craft, challenge and change, and I'm dropping economics for a second spare) and they're all things I'm actually interested in!

So how about all of you? Looking forward to the new school year, or not, going off to University/college/trade school, or are you taking a year off to do something?

*also, these pictures may change or others may be added as my friend took some on her camera but she's having computer issues and cannot send them to me yet.

(aa shorts, hanes men's shirt, winners bag, wedges)