the aa shiny tank dress. I think this dress is gorgeous! The sheen isn't overpowering and the backless design is great.
aa striped shortshorts. Can anyone believe these are actually considered "shorts"? I want to try them on to see just how short they are on me but I don't think I'd actually get them. I wouldn't want to wear tights underneath but I wouldn't want to put a minidress ontop either. Guess I'll just save them for your mom.
(aa & lasenza online, google)
Also, are there any improvements or specific things you'd like to see on this blog? I know it's my blog but I'd like to keep you all interested. The main thing I'm going to be working on is quality of the outfit photographs (I just use my regular digital camera and my friends take the pictures, we're not very pro haha) but what would you like to see more/less of? Tell me your thoughts via comment section or email!