Alright, so I came across this site: Love Your Flawz. It's all about a positive self-image but not in the "I'm going to wake up tomorrow morning and love myself" kind of way but more of a realizing we are all flawed, even those "perfect" Barbies and Kens, but coming to terms with it and knowing that it is ok to be flawed.
So I'm dedicating this post to that exact theory: imperfection is perfection. I know we're constantly being told that thinner is prettier or muscley guys are hotter but at the same time that you should love yourself the way you are and "real women have curves!" and the like. The real truth is, no one is perfect -not even close- and anyone who thinks they are is probably a douchebag anyways.
As teenagers, we all go through that "what are these red bumps on my face?!" stage. I'm slowly getting over mine but it sucks and it's not pretty but most of us get it and get through it. I hate when people always cover a portion of their face with their hand or a book or their hair because of "that thing" on their face. No, it's not the most attractive feature in a person but that's all it is - one feature. You can have the most gorgeous eyes or prettiest smile but you can't get past acne.
Those biceps, the six pack, the chest; guys with muscles are hot. I was so surprised when skinny guys I know have told me how insecure they are about their size because they're so small. Personally, I find superthin guys very hot (Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds, anyone?) and have even been repulsed by Superman's muscles. Just because a guy's arm is incapable of flexing or because his stomach is a bit concave is no reason for him to feel bad about himself. Jokes about not eating aren't at all funny when someone puts the time and effort into gorging themselves sick with food and doing situps and benchpresses only to show no results. Skinny guys are hot and shouldn't have to think any differently.
So what am I asking of you, as stated at the beginning of the post? I want to know your flaws. If you wish to submit them under an anonymous name, understood. But please, if you have read this whole thing do the world this one great gesture and tell us: how are you flawed? You can say everything or one thing.
And I will not ask this of you without doing it myself. Everyone is flawed and mine include: feet three sizes too big, an ugly left ear and being forty pounds heavier than I'd like to be and ten sizes too big. My name is Stacy, I am size twelve, one hundred and seventy pounds with size eleven feet and this wart-mole mutation on my ear that exploded blood in grade two.
All I want to do with this blog is share my views on fashion, vent or tell you about my life and things I think about. Sometimes all I'm doing is giving a quick summary of my day and sometimes I'm trying to make you feel, make you think. That time is now. So, are you up for the challenge?
(images off google)