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For the past few days I've been doing my best to move on

I write this as I eat my soy mac&cheese and think of TrueBlood, which I will be watching later tonight; a co-worker of mine burnt the whole first season on some dvds for me! A few things have been on my mind lately:

1) university!! Aaaagh scholarships! I actually finished writing an essay for one today, 900-1000 words it said, though I'm definitely over so I'll shorten that at some point, that was about the dumbest thing I've ever done with my money and what I learnt from it. Answer: energy drinks. (no joke)
2) THOSE Sam Edelman wedge-boots! I know you know the ones I speak of; they're ankle-length, black, with a light wedgey thing and a harness. Go for approximately $300 (that's what I've found and the only reason I don't own them) and you can see them on Rumi from Fashion Toast and Elizabeth from Chic Heroin. It's not even a matter of I want, more of I need.

3) Going blonder. My bangs are finally normal again (haha, incase you haven't noticed, I've been parting them to the side because they got really long and I cut them. Then they got really crooked. I finally fixed them though)
4) Gym membership gym membership gym membership....

(aa mesh dress and skirt, Mark's Work Wearhouse red blouse, tommy hilfiger sweatervest, jacobs blazer, trivium comic heels)