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In math class we spoke of conspiracy theories, one of which was vaccines. A certain amount is healthy, but what if you have too many in your system? A great example of this is Gardasil: to be taken between the ages of approximately 9 and 19 and it prevents HPV.
What you may not have known is that they first tested this on a group of ten year old girls in Africa. They thought it was safe so they started selling it in the U.S. and Canada. Dizziness, nausea, and itching on the entrance area were common side effects, as are in all vaccines. However, birth defects, miscarriages, stomach pains and death are not. Two girls, aged approximately twelve and twenty, both died from blood clots due to this vaccine. Other women had miscarriages or children born with mental illness' or visible defects.

As my math teacher said, "Don't believe all that garbage they're selling you."

(Old Navy shoes, american apparel stirrup leggings and vest, dress, bracelet was ankle strap from shoe)