I won't forget your face

So, the last post was rather serious. I got a lot of very kind comments, e-mails, and messages from people responding to it. I would just like to say thank you - thank you for taking the time to read, to think about it, and to respond. I was nervous as to what people's reactions may be, but they were all positive and supportive. Such things from strangers isn't always provided in society today, and a simple "thank you" doesn't seem like enough.

The following photos are just some random shots of things that have been going on in the past few days.
(1+2: zombie cross stitch pack I recently purchased. 3: shredded t-shirt I'm working on. 4+5: what I wore to a doctor's appointment (club monaco cardigan and jacobs shirt). 6: my bath tonight, filled with a bath bomb from Lush).