Blog Archive

What would you do if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me?

Finished watching The Usual Suspects and A Beautiful Mind today in two of my classes. I'd never seen them before but they were amazing! I almost cried at the end of A Beautiful Mind (I'm not going to ruin anything, that's all!). Definitely worth rewatching. KEYSER SOZEEE!
March break starts this week and I cannot be happier! Going lazertagging and to Lush this weekend, should be tiring but very fun. I'm hoping to hang out with some of my other friends during the week too, hopefully not get too too many work shifts and *of course* get some homework done. ...Meh. Maybe.
(thrifted sequin blazer, mexx knitted blazer, old navy dress, trivium heels, vintage necklace)