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Your huddled masses yearning to be free

These shoes ending up killing my feet by the end of the day. They're a tad small so that could be a contributing factor but the last time they were in the store, about half a year ago, they didn't have any even close to my size so I couldn't pass them up again! "No pain, no gain" right?

Just finished watching Golden Girls (I'm obsessed now), watching CSI, should be studying. My english exam is tomorrow and I haven't looked over any notes; though in truth, I don't have any notes. I really just have to memorize quotes from the books, not too difficult. Philosophy on Monday, that should be.. interesting. Well, I know what my weekend will be like.
How about all of you? Any plans?
(f carriere cardigan, aritzia shirt, dynamite skinnies, trivium heels, suzy shier cuff)